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舞阳医生拾金不昧 失主送来锦旗以表谢意

Wuyang doctor credit The owner sent pennants to

2015-03-10 15:13:25来源: 大河网

大河网讯 3月10日上午,家住舞阳县舞泉镇西蔡村的李书芳将一面书写“拾金不昧风格高,医德高尚人人赞”的锦旗送到该县人民医院骨科护士站,并向医生杨良锁、护士长华丽连连道谢,感谢杨医生拾金不昧的高尚品德...

Big river network news on the morning of March 10, who lives in wuyang county west tsai village Li Shufang dance springs will be written in the side "high credit style, noble medical ethics everyone praise" banner to the county people's hospital orthopedic nurse station, and thanks to the doctor Yang Liangsuo, head nurse luxuriant repeatedly, to thank the doctor Yang credit moral character...