新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河南气蹦床被旋风刮飞多个孩子摔下 致1死20多受伤

河南气蹦床被旋风刮飞多个孩子摔下 致1死20多受伤

Henan air trampoline scraped fly whirlwind many children fall caused one death and more than 20 injured

2016-03-27 20:34:20来源: 中国新闻网

气蹦床被吹走后现场仍是一片狼藉 晚上七点,出事地点仍是一片狼藉 现场还散落着孩子们的衣服 旋风将气蹦床和孩子一起吹走,留下现场一片狼藉 在离事发地五十米远的麦田里,气蹦床被吹落在此,村委会的人们正在现场清理 大河报·大河客户端记者 周广现 摄影王亚鸽 3月26日下午两点多,...

After being blown off-site air trampoline is still a messy night at seven o'clock, the scene is still a messy scene was also littered with children's clothes and children trampoline cyclone gas will blow away together, leaving the scene is a mess off the incident five Catcher in ten meters, the gas is blown trampoline here, the people of the village were at the scene cleaning up the river client Dahe · Online reporter Zhou Guang Ya photography pigeon March 26 two in the afternoon, ...