新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国各地2015年高考本科三批录取人数汇总


Summary throughout the country in 2015 undergraduate college entrance examination three batches of enrollment

2015-08-06 09:34:13来源: 中国教育在线

中国教育在线讯 2015年高考录取工作逐步推进,各省市本科三批录取工作有序进行。为了让大家及时了解各省市2015年本科三批高考录取人数,小编特为大家整理出各地数据,供大家参考。 高考成绩,直接留学...

China Education Online News 2015 college admission work step by step, the provinces three batches of undergraduate admission work in an orderly manner. In order to give you a timely understanding of various provinces in 2015 three batches of undergraduate college entrance examination enrollment, Xiaobian specially we sorted out parts of the data, for your reference. College entrance examination results, direct study...