新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐艺昕再现《活色生香》 不老美人亮相成彩蛋

唐艺昕再现《活色生香》 不老美人亮相成彩蛋

Tang Yixin "descriptive" not reproducing old pretty bright nucleation eggs

2015-02-27 23:36:44来源: 搜狐

唐艺昕大红嫁衣造型惊艳唯美 唐艺昕长眠密室成“不老美人” 搜狐娱乐讯 由欢瑞世纪、浙江天意联合出品,唐嫣、李易峰、舒畅、陈伟霆等人气偶像主演的《活色生香》自开播来话题不断,收视稳居榜首。临近收官,特别客串该剧的唐艺昕以令人惊艳的大红嫁衣造型再度亮相,成为剧中一个意料之外的彩蛋,贯穿...

Tang big wedding Yixin other stunning aesthetic lies Tang Yixin chamber as "not old beauty" Sohu Entertainment News by Huan Rui century, Zhejiang Tianyi Chupin, Tang Yan, Li Yifeng, happy, William Chan and other popular idol starring "descriptive" since its launch to topic constantly, viewing the top. Near the ending of the play, special guest Tang Yixin with a stunning red wedding modeling appear again, become the play a contrary to expectation eggs, through...