新关注 > 信息聚合 > IMAX《明日世界》将映 乔治克鲁尼首度来华宣传

IMAX《明日世界》将映 乔治克鲁尼首度来华宣传

IMAX "tomorrow's world" will reflect the George Clooney for the first time China propaganda

2015-05-31 10:47:48来源: 大河网

该片导演布拉德·伯德曾执导《超人总动员》、《美食总动员》、《碟中谍4》等影片,其中《碟中谍4》使用IMAX摄影机拍摄了阿汤哥攀爬迪拜塔的经典段落至今令人难忘。 《明日世界》这部影片讲述了曾被誉为...

the director Brad bird once directed "The Incredibles", Ratatouille, "mission impossible 4" and other films, which "mission impossible 4" use IMAX cameras filming the cruise climb Dubai Tower of the classic paragraph still memorable. "Tomorrow's world" the film tells the story of a...