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The reliable face to eat! Who is more beautiful sports Miss Congeniality

2016-05-24 07:49:33来源: 国际在线

近日,一位俄罗斯女排运动员由于长相甜美爆红网络。这个姑娘名叫Alisa Manyonok,在从事排球之前还练了11年游泳,户外运动、攀岩和舞蹈等诸多运动,更值得称道的是,Alisa还曾获得俄罗斯选美...

Recently, a Russian women's volleyball athletes that look sweet burst of red network. The girl named Alisa Manyonok, before also engaged in volleyball for 11 years practiced swimming, outdoor sports, rock climbing and dance, and many other sports, more commendable is, Alisa Russia also won the pageant ...