新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太原校园周边食品抽检6批次产品不合格


Taiyuan around the campus food sampling six batches of products not qualified

2015-11-28 06:22:37来源: 新浪

原标题:太原校园周边食品抽检6批次产品不合格 本报11月27日讯(记者 胡丽娜)菌落总数超标、大肠杆菌超标、伪劣产品冒牌生产……今日,太原市食品药品监督管理局发布2015年以来对全市校园周边食品...

original title: Taiyuan around the campus food sampling six batches of products not qualified newspaper November 27 hearing (reporter Hu Lina) exceeded the total number of colonies, Escherichia coli exceeded, and shoddy products production of counterfeit... Today, the Taiyuan Municipal Food and Drug Administration released since 2015 on the city's campus surrounding food...