新关注 > 信息聚合 > 男粉丝当宋承宪面拥抱刘亦菲 宋承宪称武汉有故乡..

男粉丝当宋承宪面拥抱刘亦菲 宋承宪称武汉有故乡..

Male fans when SSH face embrace Liu Yifei SSH said in Wuhan, home..

2015-09-30 21:16:51来源: 荆楚网

刘亦菲、宋承宪 荆楚网消息(记者 姚岗 实习生 周艳 王梓力)“来到武汉,就像回到故乡的感觉!”9月30日,电影《第三种爱情》主演刘亦菲、宋承宪来武汉为其新片宣传。 刘亦菲 此次,刘亦菲携...

Liu Yifei, SSH Jingchu net news (reporter Yao Gang intern. Wang Zili) "come to Wuhan, feeling like back home!" September 30th, the movie "third kinds of love" starring Liu Yifei, Song Seung to Wuhan for its new film promotion. Liu Yifei this, Liu Yifei...