新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高薪靠加班 日本游戏行业从业者收入现状

高薪靠加班 日本游戏行业从业者收入现状

Paid by working overtime before the Japanese game industry practitioners income status

2015-06-18 10:17:47来源: 太平洋游戏网

前几天记者发布的《僧多粥少 日本动画行业从业人员收入现状》一文引起了不少朋友的兴趣,今天我们再来聊聊日本游戏行业从业者收入的状况。从结论上来说,日本游戏行业从业人员的收入要比动画行业高上不少,不过非开发类工种加班不一定有工资、开发类工种薪资大多低于其他行业程序员的现状也的确也称不上优待。...

reporter a few days released "placements across Japan animation industry practitioners income status, this is the friend of many interest. Today we have come to talk about the Japanese game industry practitioners income. In conclusion, the Japanese game industry practitioners income to higher than the animation industry a lot, but the development of type of work overtime does not necessarily have to pay, the development of payroll jobs mostly below the status of other industries programmers did also not preferential treatment. ...

标签: 游戏