新关注 > 信息聚合 > 唐嫣赵丽颖换战场 《偶像来了》同台争夺霍建华

唐嫣赵丽颖换战场 《偶像来了》同台争夺霍建华

Tang Yan Zhao Liying for battlefield "Idol" on the same stage for Wallace

2015-06-29 13:52:36来源: 搜狐

搜狐娱乐讯 据知情人士爆料,即将于7月25日在湖南卫视强档推出的《偶像来了》将力邀两位人气花旦唐嫣、赵丽颖强势加盟。同是火爆荧屏的影视花旦,又都享有“男神收割机”之名,关于唐嫣、赵丽颖谁更美、谁更红...

Sohu Entertainment News, according to informed sources claimed, will on July 25 in Hunan Satellite TV and launched the "Idol" will invite two popular actress Tangyan, joined the strong. With popular screen film and television actress, and are entitled to the name of the man of God harvester, a Tangyan, who is more beautiful, who is more red...