新关注 > 信息聚合 > 武汉一爹爹违建超大吊脚楼 “摊子铺太大”被发现..

武汉一爹爹违建超大吊脚楼 “摊子铺太大”被发现..

Wuhan, a large building "illegally built daddy stall shop too much" was found.

2016-03-17 21:23:01来源: 荆楚网

台北一路9号 荆楚网消息(记者郑青 通讯员宋宏雷、张真、罗欣)明明是违章搭建吊脚楼,硬要说成防盗网。武汉市台北一路一位豪气爹爹以设置防盗网为幌子,搭建出一个面积约30平方米超大吊脚楼,但幌子终还...

Taibei Road No. 9 Jingchu net news (reporter Zheng Qing correspondent Song Honglei, Zhang, Elohim) is obviously violate the rules and regulations to build houses on stilts, insist that a net of guard against theft. Taipei Road, Wuhan city a heroic dad to set up network security as a pretext, to build an area of about 30 square meters large houses on stilts, but under the guise of end also.