新关注 > 信息聚合 > 须臾尘埃:胡文丹蒙志刚双人展开幕


Moment in the dust: Hu Wendan Meng Zhigang duo exhibition opening

2015-06-09 20:41:02来源: 新浪

艺术家与嘉宾合影 展览现场 展览现场 名泰空间于2015年6月5日举办《须臾尘埃——胡文丹、蒙志刚双人展》,此次由青年艺术100策展团队共同策划,共展出作品16件,多为艺术家近期最新创作。胡...

guest artist with the photo exhibition at the exhibition site name Thai space on 5 June 2015 held the instant dust -- Hu Wendan, Meng Zhigang duo Exhibition ", this is co organized by the youth art 100 curatorial team, were exhibited works 16. Artists latest creation. Hu...