新关注 > 信息聚合 > 浙江卫视在穗宣传《中国冠军范》 奥运冠军助阵

浙江卫视在穗宣传《中国冠军范》 奥运冠军助阵

Zhejiang satellite TV in Guangzhou "fan" Chinese propaganda champion Olympic champion to help out

2016-08-05 03:23:45来源: 中国新闻网

中新网广州8月4日电 (记者 唐贵江)在里约奥运会即将开幕之际,王老吉·浙江卫视《中国冠军范》4日合作发布会在广州长隆水上乐园举行,这一奥运期间的特别节目《中国冠军范》将全面展示中国奥运军团的风采,...

Guangzhou in the new network on August 4, (reporter Tang Guijiang) in Rio Olympic Games will the upcoming occasion, Wong Lo Kat, Zhejiang satellite TV "Chinese champion fan" 4 cooperation conference in Guangzhou Chimelong water park, held, during the Olympic Games special program "Chinese champion fan" will be fully show the elegance of the Chinese Olympic legion,...