新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州武林路商铺起火 10余辆消防车紧急灭火所幸无..

杭州武林路商铺起火 10余辆消防车紧急灭火所幸无..

Hangzhou wulin road shops more than 10 fire emergency fire extinguishing fire truck. Fortunately, no.

2015-12-28 21:25:41来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:据街道相关工作人员介绍,由于起火的平台在铺设沥青,出现明火,这才导致了火灾的发生。 12月28日中午10点40分左右,杭州武林路125号的几家商铺发生火灾。现场有十多辆消防车参与救火,...

Core tip: according to street related staff, due to the platform of the fire in the paving asphalt, open flames, which led to the occurrence of fire. At noon on December 28, around 10 am, hangzhou wulin road 125 several shops there is a fire. The scene has more than ten fire engines to participate in fire fighting,...