新关注 > 信息聚合 > 500名香港中学生赴驻港部队体验军旅生活(图)


500 high school students to go to Hong Kong Garrison to experience military life (Figure)

2016-07-19 13:32:54来源: 参考消息

中新网7月19日电 据香港《大公报》报道,“梅花香自苦寒来,宝剑锋从磨砺出”。解放军驻港部队副司令员廖正荣在开幕仪式上引用励志古文,寄语近500位新入营的“小兵”要刻苦训练,不断挑战自己。 炽热阳光下,为期15日的第十二届“香港青少年军事夏令营”,正式在解放军驻港部队粉岭新围军营拉开序...

BEIJING, July 19, according to Hong Kong "Ta Kung Pao", "plum blossom from the bitter cold, Bao Jianfeng from tempered." Liao Zhengrong, deputy commander of the PLA Garrison classical inspirational quote at the opening ceremony, nearly 500 new message to the camp of the "soldier" to train hard, and constantly challenge yourself. Under blazing sun, a 15-day twelfth "Hong Kong Youth Military Summer Camp", an official in the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Fanling Wai Barracks opened order ...