新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西安一家属院电梯被封停 12层楼老人孕妇上下不便

西安一家属院电梯被封停 12层楼老人孕妇上下不便

Family members' hospital of xi 'an a elevator is closure 12 storeys elderly pregnant women and inconvenience

2016-07-04 00:12:08来源: 华商网

由于存有重大安全隐患,西安市东新街234号中行家属院两部电梯被质监部门封停。楼内老人孕妇上下不便,住户急切希望电梯能早日修好恢复正常使用。 该家属院只有一栋老楼房,楼内有两部电梯。住户梁女士说,...

Because there is great potential safety hazard, new family members' hospital street no. 234, the bank of China xi 'an east two elevators are qualitative inspect branch closure. In the building elderly, pregnant women and the inconvenience residents anxious to elevator can get repaired soon returned to normal use. The employees only an old building, floor there are two elevators. Ms leung said,...