新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陆客团火烧车事故 台交通部门下令全面清查游览车

陆客团火烧车事故 台交通部门下令全面清查游览车

Group of mainland tourists fire station car accident traffic department ordered a full inventory of tour

2016-07-20 18:29:47来源: 新浪

原标题:陆客团火烧车事故 台交通部门下令全面清查游览车 7月19日,一辆载有大陆旅行团的游览车在台湾桃园遭遇严重车祸,致包含24名大陆游客在内的26人罹难。目前,检察官已完成取证,26具罹难者遗...

Original title: group of mainland tourists car accident fire station traffic department ordered a full inventory of the tour on July 19, a bus carrying the mainland tour tour bus suffered a serious car accident in Taoyuan, Taiwan, mainland tourists caused comprising 24 people, including 26 killed. Currently, the Prosecutor has completed the evidence, 26 of the victims left behind ...