新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美西南学联留学生辩论赛落幕 留学生去留引热议

美西南学联留学生辩论赛落幕 留学生去留引热议

Southwest ACSF students debate over whether students cited hot

2015-04-19 19:19:16来源: 人民网

中国留学生毕业后的去留问题一直是人们广泛热议的焦点。当地时间4月18日,美西南学联首届“联梦杯”留学生辩论公开赛在洛杉矶落下帷幕,参赛双方就“留学生毕业后去留”议题展开了唇枪舌战。中新社发 毛建军 ...

China students stay after graduation has been the focus of extensive discussion. Local time on April 18th, the first "Southwest ACSF associated dream Cup" international students open debate Championships in Losangeles ended, the two sides "students after graduation or" topics of debate. New Shefa Mao Jianjun...