新关注 > 信息聚合 > 都兰县举行第二届赛马会暨民族服饰展演活动


Dulan county held the second session of the jockey cum national costume exhibitions and activities

2015-08-10 21:08:27来源: 大河网

开幕式后,蒙古族、藏族群众身着艳丽的节日盛装进行了民族服饰展演。老年广场舞表演队、藏族锅庄舞表演队和蒙古族安代舞表演队表演了精彩的舞蹈。德令哈市“汗青格勒”艺术团奉献了一场精彩的文艺演出。 射箭...

opening ceremony, Mongolian, Tibetan people dressed in gorgeous costumes ethnic costume exhibition. The old square dance team, dance team and the Mongolia Tibetan folk dance group performed wonderful performances Andai dance team dance. Delingha city "history of Leningrad" art group dedicated to a wonderful theatrical performances. Archery