新关注 > 信息聚合 > 职业体验搬进幼儿园 幼儿园开园娃娃化身“美小护”

职业体验搬进幼儿园 幼儿园开园娃娃化身“美小护”

Occupation experience into the kindergarten Hailida International Kindergarten doll Avatar "beautiful little care"

2015-03-28 22:27:06来源: 四川新闻网教育频道

四川新闻网教育频道3月28日讯(孙林馨)28日,斯坦丁国际幼稚园成都分园正式落户都江偃,开园仪式上,沙画师挥“沙”自如,沙盘作画向家长发出倡议:关注环保,珍惜绿色,节约能源。 挥“沙”自如 沙盘...

Sichuan news network education channel March 28th dispatch (Sun Linxin) 28 days, Standing International Kindergarten Chengdu Branch Park was officially settled in all Jiang Yan, the opening ceremony, "sand" sand artist swing freely, sand painting issued to the initiative of the parents: concern for the environment, cherish the green, energy saving. "Sand" sand table freely swing...