新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西宁经济适用住房上市交易管理办法:5年可上市


Xining Economic applicable housing listed transaction management approach: 5 years can be listed

2015-07-18 10:59:08来源: 大河网

青海新闻网讯 近日,西宁市政府常务会议审议并通过了《西宁市经济适用住房上市交易管理办法》,即将下发执行。《办法》的出台,规范了经济适用住房上市交易行为,进一步健全保障性住房政策体系。 《办法》明...

Qinghai news network news recently, Xining Municipal government executive meeting considered and adopted the "Xining city economic applicable housing listed transaction management approach" is under execution. "Approach" introduced, the economic application of the housing market transactions, and further improve the protection of housing policy system. "Approach"...