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安切洛蒂点出逆转两大要诀 皇马要比上赛季更强

Ancelotti points out the reverse two tips for Real Madrid last season more than

2014-10-26 05:52:36来源: 搜狐

在这场双方总身价高达10亿欧元的世纪大战中,皇马笑到了最后。在率队首次赢得联赛国家德比之后,安切洛蒂在发布会上也公开称赞自己的爱将们。 “在丢球之后,我们并没有被打断思路,大家依然很拼,按照自己...

in this field both total worth up to 1000000000 euros in a century of war, Real Madrid had the last laugh. After the team won the first National League Derby, Ancelotti in the conference also publicly praised his players. "In the ball after, we have not interrupted thinking, everyone is still very hard, according to its own...