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2015上海国际马拉松 跑出属于你的奇迹

2015 Shanghai International Horse marathon run belongs to you is a miracle

2015-11-08 23:54:13来源: 网易

(上海)11月8日,2015上海国际马拉松赛在上海外滩鸣枪起跑,超过3.5万人参加了此次比赛,再次掀起了马拉松热潮。作为此次赛事的荣耀赞助商,BMW再次携革命性的新纯电动BMW i3出任赛事引导车和...

(Shanghai) November 8, 2015 Shanghai International Marathon race on the Bund in Shanghai start firing, more than 3.5 million people took part in the competition, once again set off the marathon boom. As the event of the glory of the sponsors, BMW once again with the revolutionary new pure electric I3 BMW as the tournament guide car and...