新关注 > 信息聚合 > 10.29嗨P购 PPTV裸眼3D手机PP·KING7s开售

10.29嗨P购 PPTV裸眼3D手机PP·KING7s开售

10.29 hi P purchase pptv naked eye 3D mobile phone PP, KING7s sale

2015-10-26 16:11:46来源: 天极网


since its release in September, PP, King series phones into public view after caused widespread concern, the function, configuration, content and services many disruptive change greatly aroused the interest of consumers, the congregation and online pre-sale link the enviable achievements, but pptv phone and not this sale, the user experience is it truly concerned about the focus. When the King - PP series phones are finally given...