新关注 > 信息聚合 > 江铃携多款车型亮相车展 再掀抢购风潮

江铃携多款车型亮相车展 再掀抢购风潮

Jiangling carry a variety of models unveiled at the auto show to lift the buying spree

2015-09-06 13:25:00来源: 爱卡汽车网

江铃汽车携多款车型亮相成都车展 再掀抢购风潮 第十八届成都车展于9月4日正式拉开序幕,江铃汽车作为商用车领军者及乘用车新锐,成为本届成都车展的耀眼明星。此次车展,江铃汽车派出强大阵容,全系车型“...

Jiangling Automobile carrying a variety of models Chengdu Auto Show debut to lift a wave of panic buying of the 18th Chengdu auto show on September 4, officially kicked off, Jiangling Motors as a commercial vehicle leader and passenger car cutting-edge, become the dazzling star in the Chengdu auto show this year. The show, Jiangling sent a strong lineup, all models"...