新关注 > 信息聚合 > 南京女摄影家凭夫子庙夜景获国际摄影大赛金奖


Female photographers in Nanjing by the Confucius Temple night won international photography competition gold

2015-05-02 08:49:58来源: 人民网江苏视窗

程安莉和她的作品《元夜》 受访者供图 日前,2015年第24届奥地利特伦伯超级摄影巡回赛评选结果揭晓,南京女摄影家程安莉的作品《元夜》斩获夜景与人造光组金奖。现代快报记者第一时间联系上程安莉,在...

Cheng Anli and her works "lantern" for respondents figure recently, 2015 the 24th session of Austria Telunbo super photography tour tournament selection results were announced, Nanjing female photographer Cheng Anli "lantern" gains at night and artificial light group gold medal. Modern Express reporter contacted the first time in Cheng Anli...