新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴印咸战地拍摄白求恩:曾共同讨论拍摄技巧(图)


Wu Yinxian battlefield shooting Bethune: have jointly discuss shooting skills (Figure)

2015-07-09 14:30:55来源: 新浪

白求恩大夫在黄土岭战斗前沿(摄影) 吴印咸 九月的延安有了凉意,我又一次回到了我出生的地方。这里有我父亲吴印咸留下青春有力的脚印,有他为中国革命拍摄的弥足珍贵的历史瞬间,以及许多图片后面的故事。...

Bethune Huangtuling battle Frontier (Photography) Wu Yinxian September to Yenan in the coolness, I once again returned to the place I was born. Here is my father, Wu Yinxian left behind his youth and strong footprints, there is his time for the history of the Chinese revolution, the precious moment, as well as many pictures behind the story. ...