新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015秋季档美剧大盘点 这些精彩怎能错过

2015秋季档美剧大盘点 这些精彩怎能错过

2015 fall drama inventory of these wonderful how can miss

2015-09-23 22:50:08来源: 长城网

导语:夏季的剧荒结束了,随着九月的步伐,剧迷们终于迎来了躁动的美剧秋季档。不仅有多门老剧重磅回归,许多新剧也抢占荧屏。下面小编带你来看今秋最值得期待的美剧吧! 《英雄:重生》 播出时间:9月24...

lead: Summer drama shortage ended, with the pace of September, opera fans finally ushered in the restless drama autumn file. Not only have many old drama blockbuster return, many drama also seize the screen. The following Xiaobian bring you this autumn the most anticipated drama! "Hero: Rebirth" broadcast time: September 24...