新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【温州】杨志强局长“双节”前夕看望温州援疆教..


[Wenzhou] Yang Zhiqiang, director of the "double" on the eve of the visit Wenzhou aid Xinjiang teach..

2015-09-26 20:56:11来源: 浙江在线

9月25日,拜城县教育局局长杨志强在中秋节、国庆节来临之际,看望温州援疆教研员并与大家座谈,关心援疆教研员的工作与生活。 杨志强向援疆教研员介绍了拜城的地理气候特点和拜城基础教育的情况,让援疆教...

9 month 25, Baicheng County Education Bureau Director Yang Zhiqiang in the Mid Autumn Festival, National Day is approaching, to visit Wenzhou Yuanjiang teaching and research staff and discussion with you, care Yuanjiang staff work and life. Yang Zhiqiang to the Baicheng based on the geography and climate characteristics of Baicheng and the situation of the basic education, so that the...