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The "abandoned" cannot be ignored

2016-02-29 18:53:44来源: 中国经济网

一边是车水马龙的繁华都市,一边是“白天没人,夜晚没灯”的烂尾高楼和闲置土地。日前,有媒体实地走访发现,在华北某省会城市闹市区存有几十处“烂尾楼”和闲置土地,占地近4000亩,有的甚至已经闲置十几年。 城市闹市区可谓“寸土寸金”,不少地段甚至可以拍出“天价”,而“烂尾楼”的出现,显然是...

Is the traffic busy city, is "no one during the day, night lamp" abandoned buildings and idle land. Field visit found recently, the media, in the north China province city downtown has several dozens and idle land "abandoned", covers an area of nearly 4000 acres, some even have idle more than ten years. City downtown is "before", many areas can even take out "day price", and "abandoned", apparently...