新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国留日同学总会举行科技演讲会


For Chinese students always held technology toastmasters

2016-08-22 12:02:43来源: 中国新闻网

中新网东京8月21日电 中国留日同学总会20日在东京举行科技演讲会,吸引了东京大学、早稻田大学等知名学府的博士生和当地高新科技企业的人士参加。 中国驻日使馆公参阮湘平在讲演中,介绍了中国科技发展、改革的现状和取得的辉煌成就,他指出,中国科技在世界占有不可忽视的地位,研究和实验发展经费...

Beijing, Tokyo, aug 21 (Reuters) China leave classmates always held in Tokyo on 20 technology lectures, attracted a Tokyo university, waseda university and other prestigious doctoral students and local people to participate in high and new technology enterprise. Chinese embassy in Tokyo and RuanXiangPing in speech, this paper introduces the present situation of China's reform of science and technology development, and brilliant achievements, he pointed out that China occupies an important position in the world of science and technology, research and experimental development funds...