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影像新闻汇 佳能1DX2领衔多款重磅新品

Canon 1 video news remit dx2 led many blockbuster

2016-02-06 20:57:31来源: 中关村在线

在羊年的最后一周里,影像圈发布了不少的重磅新品。其中最重要的当数佳能1DX Mark II,这款时隔四年半的新品在多方面都有所提升,整体性能更加均衡稳定。另外一家发布新品的厂商是索尼,在跳票了一年多之后,索尼A6300这款A6000的接替者终于登场,带着非常强悍的对焦性能,已经专业级4K...

In during the last weeks, video released many blockbuster. One of the most important of Canon 1 dx Mark II, the first four and a half years of new product and has improved in many ways, and the overall performance of a more balanced and stable. Released another new vendor is SONY, sold in more than a year after the replacement of SONY A6300 this A6000 finally come on stage, with very strong focusing performance, has professional level 4 k...