新关注 > 信息聚合 > 图片故事:摄影师历时11年记录艺校女孩们的青葱..


Photo Story: Photographers record lasted 11 years art school girls shallots ..

2016-03-02 16:26:36来源: 华商网

← 点击大图左右可翻页 → 很多人看来,艺考是捷径,却亦是”劫径”,台上有风光,台下也是耗尽坚强。摄影师历时11年记录艺术院校女孩们的生活、训练和演出,用这些影像的碎片拼凑出了艺校姑娘们的青葱岁月。摄影/江雨

← Click on a left and right to flip → eyes of many, Arts test is a shortcut, but it also is "robbing the path", there is scenery on stage, the audience is exhausted strong. Photographer lasted 11 years, recording arts colleges girls living, training and performance, with a patchwork of fragments of these images out of art school girls green years. Photography / Jiang Yu