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伤号归来!国安外援一锤定音 土耳其热身赛连胜

Injured players back! The national security aid ride on it Turkey's warm-up match in a row

2016-06-07 01:30:29来源: 新浪

伊尔马兹 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月6日消息,2016年欧洲杯一场热身赛,土耳其1-0击败斯洛文尼亚取得热身赛两连胜,比赛第6分钟北京国安外援伊尔马兹头球打入全场唯一入球,回归国家队后的伊尔马兹展现了不俗的状态。 2016年欧洲杯将在6月10日,土耳其与西班牙、克罗地亚、捷克分在同...

Ma il sina sports news Beijing time on June 6, a warm-up game at euro 2016, made a friendly two wins 1-0 win over Slovenia, Turkey, the 6 minute Beijing guoan foreign aid il header scored the only goal, ma il after the return to the squad horse showed good state. Will be on June 10th at euro 2016, Turkey and Spain, Croatia, the Czech republic in the same...