新关注 > 信息聚合 > “复仇者联盟”被恶搞穿上“东北花袄”(图)


"The Avengers" by the spoof put on "northeast flower coat" (Figure)

2015-05-19 16:43:11来源: 中国新闻网

复仇者联盟的超级英雄们有了新造型 张馨予穿了件“东北大袄”走上戛纳红毯,结果遭到网友猛批“我奶奶家花被子被偷了”。可是,同样的衣服穿在复联成员身上,效果怎么样?近日,网友“青红造了个白”在微博上...

their alliance superhero who have zhangxinyu new styling wearing "northeast coat walked the red carpet in Cannes, the result was fierce users group of" my grandmother's flower quilts stolen ". However, the same clothes worn on the members of the body, the effect? Recently, the netizen green red made a white on the microblogging...