新关注 > 信息聚合 > 7日前瞻:彭帅/张帅双打遇硬仗 小威拒绝冷门

7日前瞻:彭帅/张帅双打遇硬仗 小威拒绝冷门

7 behold: peng shuai/Denver doubles in battle Serena Williams refused to upset

2016-07-03 08:58:42来源: 网易

网易体育7月3日报道: 伦敦当地时间周日中午11:30(夏令时),北京时间今晚18:30,2016年温网正选赛将进入第7天,在这个通常是温网休息日的星期天,所有球场都将在同一时间开赛,今天女单也只...

On July 3, netease sports coverage: London Sunday at noon local time (DST), Beijing time tonight 18:30, 2016 wimbledon elimination rounds will enter the seventh day, in this is usually a wimbledon day of rest on Sunday, all courses will kick-off at the same time, women's singles only today...