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Urbanization about Chinese film box office chart

2015-07-29 08:09:30来源: 杭州网

沿海发达省份票房收入领先全国 广东江苏浙江位列榜单前三 7月28日,《捉妖记》上映13天斩获14.68亿元票房,超越《泰囧》保持了两年半的华语片内地最高票房纪录。 这一纪录的背后,是中国电影票...

developed coastal provinces in box office revenue leading national Guangdong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang ranked list before 7 April 28, "catch demon records" released in 13 days gains 14.68 million yuan at the box office, beyond the Thai embarrassing "maintained a two and a half years of Chinese mainland top box office record. Behind this record is the Chinese movie tickets...

标签: 电影