新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美元回落推动多数新兴亚币上扬 市场静候耶伦讲话

美元回落推动多数新兴亚币上扬 市场静候耶伦讲话

The dollar fell to promote most emerging the currency to rise the market yellen speaking

2016-05-26 14:35:57来源: 新浪

FX168讯 周四(5月26日)亚太时段,多数新兴亚洲货币兑美元走强,因美联储(FED)主席耶伦讲话前美元全线下跌,推动投资者解除亚币兑美元的部分空头押注。 马来西亚林吉特领涨亚币,因原油价格上...

FX168 news on Thursday (May 26) Asia Pacific time, most emerging Asian currencies against the U.S. dollar is strong, because of the chairman of the federal reserve (FED) yellen speaking before the dollar fell broadly, push investors to remove some of the bets against the currency against the dollar. The Malaysian ringgit led a rally in the dollar, because the price of crude oil on the...