新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华为荣耀巨屏旗舰曝光:6.6寸2K屏 4400mAh电池

华为荣耀巨屏旗舰曝光:6.6寸2K屏 4400mAh电池

Huawei honor flagship giant screen exposure: 6.6 inch 2 k screen 4400 mah battery

2016-07-02 16:08:17来源: TechWeb

7月11日,华为将在上海发布新一代荣耀旗舰——荣耀8。据悉,该机采用双2.5D双面玻璃+金属中框设计,主打颜值。 据悉,荣耀8采用5.2寸1080p屏,搭载麒麟950/955处理器和4GB内存,摄...

In Shanghai on July 11, huawei will release a new generation of flagship glory glory - 8. It is reported, this machine adopts double double glass + 2.5 D metal box in the design, main appearance level. The glory eight the 5.2 -inch 1080 p screen, carrying the kirin 950/955 processor and 4 gb of memory, taken...