新关注 > 信息聚合 > QQ微信将建信用报告 玩微信3个月即可获取

QQ微信将建信用报告 玩微信3个月即可获取

QQ WeChat will build a credit report play WeChat 3 months to obtain

2015-04-30 10:37:38来源: 亿邦动力网

昨天,2015全球移动互联网大会(GMIC)上,腾讯征信总经理吴丹披露了业务进展:QQ、微信用户今后可建立信用报告,为传统征信提供辅助。吴丹透露,用户只要使用腾讯旗下产品3个月,即可为自己建立出一套信用报告。 1月5日,央行准许芝麻信用、腾讯征信等8家机构准备个人征信工作,个人征信业务...

yesterday, 2015 global mobile Internet Conference (GMIC), Tencent credit general manager Wu Dan disclosed the business progress: QQ, WeChat future users can establish a credit report, provide auxiliary for traditional credit. Wu Dan said, as long as the user's use of Tencent products for 3 months, you can set up a set of credit report for yourself. In January 5th, the central bank to credit, credit Tencent sesame and other 8 institutions for personal credit, personal credit business...