新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专家:美国医保支付方式值得中国学习借鉴


Expert: the medical insurance payment is worth to learn from China

2016-09-04 08:53:19来源: 中国新闻网

中新网西安9月3日电 (记者 董子畅)北京协和医学院公共卫生学院院长刘远立3日在西安表示,美国在医保支付方式改革方面走在了中国的前面,中国医保是按项目付费,这会刺激医疗服务提供方多开处方、多收费用。...

Beijing, xian in September 3 (xinhua Dong Zichang), dean of the school of public health, Peking union medical college in xi 'an yuanli liu 3, said the United States in the medicare payment reform walk in front of the Chinese, the Chinese medical insurance is paid according to the project, this will stimulate the medical service provider prescription, additional fees. ...