新关注 > 信息聚合 > 柴达木云数据中心、青藏高原数据灾备中心落成 辛..

柴达木云数据中心、青藏高原数据灾备中心落成 辛..

Cloud data center in Qaidam, Qinghai Tibet Plateau disaster recovery data center completed symplectic..

2015-07-12 11:00:25来源: 大河网


Qaidam cloud data center, Qinghai Tibet Plateau disaster recovery data center construction together by the Haixi Prefecture Government and China Telecom Company Qinghai, with the aid of Haixi unique location, resource advantage and letter technology, the power of the network, to create "the Qaidam -- the heart of the Chinese" big data storage center. At the same time, the Qinghai Tibet Plateau data disaster.