新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全区都疯狂了一个树苗六个牌子


The region are crazy a sapling six brand

2015-05-03 21:57:51来源: 17173

文章 摘要 一个树苗种出六个牌子 我也不知道这个人是不是内部玩家,也不知道他是否把这辈子的运气用光了 但是既然敢系统播报,那我就希望网易问心无愧 当这几个消息弹出来的时候全区都沸腾了。

abstract a tree seedlings grow six brand I don't know this person is not an internal internationally, also don't know whether he take this life luck with light but since dare to broadcast system. I hope NetEase have a clear conscience when the message pop up when the region is boiling.