新关注 > 信息聚合 > TFBOYS王俊凯晒微博自拍照 反戴帽子冷库帅气

TFBOYS王俊凯晒微博自拍照 反戴帽子冷库帅气

TFBOYS Wang Junkai sun micro-blog selfies hat

2015-09-17 09:06:57来源: 中国青年网

王俊凯微博截图。 9月16日,TFBOYS 组合队长王俊凯通过微博晒自拍照,并祈祷称:“倒计时两天,激动又兴奋,正在排练舞蹈,希望那天不要下雨。”照片中,王俊凯俏皮的将帽子反戴着,黑色上衣,一手...

Wang Junkai micro-blog. September 16th, TFBOYS Group Captain Wang Junkai through microblogging drying out from the camera, and a prayer: "two days countdown, excited and excited, is rehearsal dance, I hope not to rain." In the photo, Wang Junkai is the one with a playful, black jacket, a black coat and a hand...