新关注 > 信息聚合 > 霍建华林心如巴厘岛拍婚纱照 许玮宁伴娘装曝光

霍建华林心如巴厘岛拍婚纱照 许玮宁伴娘装曝光

Wallace huo lin2 xin such as Bali picture taken Xu Wei ning bridesmaid exposure

2016-07-25 09:36:30来源: 中国新闻网

参与互动 林心如和霍建华甜蜜看演唱会。记者袁世佩/摄影 图片来源:台湾联合新闻网 中新网7月25日电 据台湾“中国时报”消息,霍建华和林心如将于31日在巴厘岛举行婚礼,近日两人被直击现身当地饭店...

Participating in interactive Lin2 xin such as wal and sweet to see concert. Reporter Yuan Shipei/photography image: Taiwan joint news Saturday, July 25 (Reuters) Wal, according to Taiwan's "China times" and lin2 xin such as will be held in Bali in 31 wedding, recently two were hitting appeared in a local hotel...