新关注 > 信息聚合 > 盛宝银行:发行50年期国债的传闻打压日元


Saxo bank: issued 10-year Treasury 50 weaken the yen

2016-07-27 22:52:52来源: 新浪

要点: 华尔街日报报道日本打算推出50年期国债,随后官方出面否认; 澳洲CPI数据高于市场预期; 预计美联储在9月份会议上倾向于采取更加灵活的指引; 据日本公投社报道,首相安倍晋三计...

Main points: the Wall Street journal reported 50 10-year plan to launch in Japan, then the official to deny; The Australian CPI data above market expectations; Expect the fed meeting in September in tend to adopt more flexible guidance; According to Japan's referendum news agency reported, prime minister shinzo Abe's plan...