新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小心有假 你以为千元金属机真是全金属?

小心有假 你以为千元金属机真是全金属?

Be careful, you think a thousand machines are all metal?

2016-08-19 18:12:23来源: IT168

【IT168 导购】环顾整个手机市场,由于特有的质感和触感,金属材质一直深受用户的喜爱。因此,金属机身成为众多手机首选的材质之一,在千元机市场也不例外。但各位小伙伴有没有发现,在千元机市场中,很多宣...

[IT168 shopping guide] look around the entire mobile phone market, due to the unique texture and touch, metal materials have been well received by the user's favorite. Therefore, the metal body has become one of the preferred material for many mobile phones, in the thousand machine market is no exception. But you have not found a small partner, in the thousand machine market, a lot of publicity...