新关注 > 信息聚合 > 房价房租齐齐上涨,美国屌丝居亦不易也!


House prices rising rents qi qi, the prick silk r is not easy!

2016-04-30 00:34:17来源: 和讯网

——根据美国商务部的最新报告,今年第一季度美国家庭住房拥有率已经降至有史以来的第三新低水平。这个情况从另一个侧面暗示了普罗大众财务状况仍然有恶化的迹象,以致不得不改变大萧条以来对生活方式的选择。 ...

- according to the latest report, the Commerce Department in the first quarter of this year the American family home ownership has dropped to the third lowest level ever. The situation from another side suggested that the general public finances are still signs of deterioration, so have to change since the great depression to lifestyle choice. ...