新关注 > 信息聚合 > 壳牌和一汽解放战略合作 打造高效物流新标准

壳牌和一汽解放战略合作 打造高效物流新标准

Shell and faw liberation of strategic cooperation Build a new standard efficient logistics

2016-09-14 03:35:43来源: 中国新闻网

中新网北京9月13日电 (记者 闫晓虹) 壳牌和一汽解放13日正式宣布战略合作,双方将在技术、产品、市场营销等方面联手,共同打造高效物流新标准。业内称,此举为中国重卡和润滑油行业提供了技术创新与市场...

Beijing, Beijing on September 13 (reporter 闫晓虹) shell and faw liberation 13 formally announced strategic cooperation, the two sides will in such aspects as technology, products, marketing, to develop efficient logistics new standards. Industry, said the move to China and lubricating oil industry provides technical innovation and market...