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Taiwan's comedy movie retrospective opening

2016-09-23 10:24:36来源: 环渤海新闻网

第25届中国金鸡百花电影节 喜笑人生 台湾喜剧电影回顾展开幕 环渤海新闻网消息 (记者 刘庄子)9月22日,第25届中国金鸡百花电影节“喜笑人生——台湾喜剧电影回顾展”在希界维国际影城开幕。 ...

The 25th China golden hundred flowers film festival Laughter of life Taiwan's comedy movie retrospective opening Bohai rim news network news (reporter Liu chuang tzu) on September 22, the 25th China golden hundred flowers film festival "laughter life - Taiwan comedy movie retrospective" d international studios opens in industry. ...

标签: 电影